Hello to all the new faces in here, thanks to
’s latest New Yorker piece, we highly recommend you give read it, it’s about human curators bringing back fun discovery on the internet, nature is healing!For those who have been here long enough—you’ll remember our manifesto:
Curation as salvation: At a time of influx of everything, detrimental to psyche.
Discovery is strength: Our curated approach has helped hundreds of brands land their dream retailers, publications and investors.
Excess is death: we’re not yet another catalog or directory featuring thousands of brands to browse from, we believe in things being ephemeral, why our guides never last long online, why we don’t curate around seasonality
The paradox of choice is real—if we can help filter noise, we’ve done our job.
How we define good curation:
removal of friction around the process of discovery
filter through junk and noise to find gems
we don’t take pitches or do things around “seasons”
adding necessary friction in pro of enjoying discovery (delayed gratification)
not having access to everything all at once
And speaking of curation—we’ve partnered with NoIssue to bring you the best of both worlds insights meets packaging, introducing Brand Bites!
Another pinch me moment? Having college students use Snaxshot to build and prove their thesis—congrats Joseph Curcio, if you want to read the incredibly well done piece, he’s given us permission to share!
Congrats to Ooso on launch day—
did a great piece on the founders, check it out.