A newsletter on upcoming food and beverage trends that offers a curation of brands and aesthetics written by Andrea Hernández.
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Neopets Crawled, So NFTs Can Thrive
As a 90s kid myself, I’ve been seeing web3 commentary that is inherently just recycled web1, buying internet assets or being part of digital communities isn’t novel for a generation who had webrings and Neopets. The same reason why I think “drop culture” is so predominant in genZ is for lack of web1 friction that millennials grew up with, remember buffering? And wanting to create that friction growing up with instant gratification as default, more on this on another day, I promise.
Back to Neopets comparison, these collection drops are so reminiscent of omelettes you could obtain for free in Tyrannia, they even had “rarity” like when you received a dinosaur egg omelette. Of course there are major differences and the fact that we are fully grown adults now, though 12 year olds are trading NFTs alike, web3 is shaping up to be what web1 always intended for at the dawn of the internet, collective wealth , connectivity and community.
This isn’t the first time we mention NFTs at Snaxshot, and it won’t be the last, it’s essential to our predictions of Food in 2025. For those just joining us and wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?! Let’s catch you up:
NFT—non fungible token, a unique, non interchangeable data point, stored on a blockchain. They represent “certificate of ownership” and can take many forms.
Blockchain—a ledger, blocks linked together using cryptography. This is also why it’s called “crypto.” Know that there are different “chains” like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, etc
DAO —Decentralized Autonomous Organization
web3 —a very broad term but it’s commonly used to reference a more “decentralized” internet
As we are talking about a major shift happening, the coming of web3 is already being heralded and even welcomed in the food space. NFTs becoming building blocks that offer an array of endless possibilities, and since we last wrote about them, some interesting concepts have emerged. Care to explore them with me? Buckle up, fuck the metaverse, Zuckerberg already owns the IP to that, around here we call it snaxverse, hop on your favorite chain and let’s get moving.